What is EVEDA?
EVEDA is a breakthrough portable medical diagnostics tool that empowers people to complete health screening with onsite results in less than fifteen minutes.
Through samples and input the system can analyse your health information and provide a report that predicts medical risks, particularly from chronic conditions.
Our Products
HubX is a tool designed to capture multiple diagnostic inputs instantly, at the patient location. The focus of the tool is accurate data acquisition, secured data transportation and proactive alerts.
EVEDA is developing this tool and will continue to advance it to help in preventive care, disease management and remote monitoring.
EVEDA Medical Software
EVEDA Medical Software is a mobile platform with web access that has been developed as an ERP for several services and for various stakeholders. It has multiple tools and provides many facilities for every type of user.
The EVEDA Medical Software includes various utilities and tools for users so that they can manage and view their health records, collaborate with multiple healthcare organisations including selected hospitals.
Our Solutions
Healthcare Service Delivery
EVEDA Care is a team of industry health professionals equipped with our portable, reliable, and cutting-edge technology and equipment to conduct comprehensive healthcare testing nationwide. The initiatives and technology allow us to work closely with consumers and organisations to improve access, delivery, quality, and equality of healthcare in both rural and urban locations.
Tracking Health Interventions
The HubX diagnostic device and the ‘EVEDA App’ are a modern proactive approach to maintaining health and well-being. The tools are designed to capture multiple diagnostic inputs instantly, at the patient’s location. The focus of the tools is accurate data acquisition, secured data transportation, instant diagnostics and proactive alerts.
Improving National Data
EVEDA has developed a truly independent regulatory and fully functional healthcare system that is complementary to current regulatory standards and has complete Electronic Health Record (EHR) integration capabilities.
Our products and services with innovative technology will build on the strategic goals of the Australian Digital Health Strategy delivering a fully equipped service to improve health access and delivery, promote the collection of national data, reduce the cost of health care and decrease the burden of illness.