Why Eveda

Current challenges with current diagnostics

  • Not geared toward prevention, but for cure
  • Assessment and management focus on the presentation of the consumer
  • Lack of comprehensive health care planning to manage long term chronic health risks
  • Lack of consumer awareness around lifestyle choices that may lead to chronic health risks

Questions to consider:

  • Is there value in detecting risks of chronic health conditions prior to their development?
  • Is there value to detecting predisposed health risks
  • Can a thorough analysis of an individual’s risk of health comorbidities lead to better health awareness, monitoring, treatment and algorithms?
  • Are we able to support complex specialty needs efficiently and effectively? E.g.
    • Surgeons with critical comprehensive body functions before surgery
    • Emergency health care workers test and develop comprehensive health assessment reports
    • Provide real time critical health information to intensive care treating clinicians

Where is the gap?

  • Availability of national data to allow detailed understanding of the use and outcomes from the vast range of digital health applications
  • Address challenges of tracking health intervention experiences and individual pathways through the health system
  • Adequate regulatory system intended to protect the health and safety of consumers, to prevent the development of insidious, chronic and entirely preventable illnesses